Dyslexia Adult Screening Test (DAST) |
Yields reliable information: the screening material reliably measures indicators of potential learning
disabilities and yields consistent results (if the screening tool was given to the same person again, similar
indicators of potential learning disabilities would be evident). A low standard of error should be evident. |
No access to technical manual - therefore cannot comment. |
Is valid: The screening material adequately represents the full range of characteristics associated with learning
disabilities. The screening material is consistent with what is currently known about learning disabilities. It
covers a scope sufficient to provide an initial assessment in several areas such as language, motor, organization
and social skills (look for a description of which learning disability indicators may be assessed with the instrument). |
The DAST is comprised of a total of 11 subtests which emphasize fluency as well as accuracy:
- rapid naming
- one minute reading
- postural stability
- phonetic segmentation
- two minute spelling
- backwards digit span
- nonsense passage reading
- non verbal reasoning
- one minute writing
- verbal fluency
- segmantic fluency
No access to technical manual - therefore cannot comment. |
The tool is cost-effective including initial purchase and
ongoing purchases of related materials such as question booklets, score sheets etc. |
Complete kit: Includes examiner's manual, 50 record forms, balance tester, blindfold,
cassette tape and envelope (containing score keys, rapid naming cards, one minute reading
cards, nonsense passage cards, one minute writing passage cards) contained in carrying
case = $282.00 Cdn.
And a pack of 50 record forms = $80.00 Cdn. |
The time required to conduct the screening procedures is
reasonable: it is quick to administer, score, and interpret. |
Administration requires 30 minutes. |
The requirements for learning to use the screening tool
are reasonable. Requirements may range from reviewing
the instructions and user manual to participating in a training session. |
No restrictions as to who can use the tool. No
training is required except for the practitioner to review the manual and the screening tool. |
Minimize bias. The screening material accurately
highlights potential indicators of learning disabilities
regardless of a person's age, gender, race, ethnicity, or primary language. |
Standardized norms on an adult UK sample. |
Instructions are provided on how to interpret the screening tool results/findings. |
No access to administration manual - cannot comment. |
The tool is compatible with the goals of the
organization. For example, if you serve only adults, was the test developed for adults only or if you serve a
number of ESL learners, was this the intended audience for the screening tool? |
Geared for learners 16 years and up. |
The format and written text follow clear language guidelines. |
The tool includes information to help select possible learning materials and/or instructional practices. |
Provides a profile of strengths and weaknesses that can be used to guide the
intervention training strategies for the individual. |
Does not provide teaching strategies or instructional practices. |