© 1996 The Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women
ISBN number: 0921283-18-0

Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data

Main entry under title:

Making connections

Includes bibliographical references
ISBN 0 - 921283 - 18 - 0

1. Literacy programs. 2. Literacy - Study and teaching. 3. Women - Education. 4. Feminism and education. I. Nonesuch, Kate. II. Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women.

LC149.M33 1996 374'.012 C96 - 931629 - 1

The Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women wishes to acknowledge and thank the National Literacy Secretariat, Human Resources Development and the Ontario Training and Adjustment Board for their financial contributions towards this project. The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the funders or of CCLOW.

Editor: Kate Nonesuch
Editorial Committee: Dharini Abeysekera, Evelyn Battell, Francene Gillis, Janet Isserlis, Sue Mendel, Kate Nonesuch

Bibliography: Evelyn Battell
Design and layout: Margaret Adam / ArtWork
Cover art: Moon Joyce
Back cover photograph: Moon Joyce

For additional copies of this book please contact:

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Toronto, Ontario
M4E 2V6

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Fax: (416) 669-2145

Second printing: September 1997

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