Utility Codes

Red Eletric power lines, cables, conduit, and lighting cables.

Orange Communication, alarm or signal lines, cables, or conduit

Yellow Gas, oil, steam, petroleum, or gaseous material

Green Sewers and drain lines

Blue Portable water

Violet Reclaimed water, irrigation, and slurry lines

Pink Temporary survey markings, unknown/unidentified facilities

White Proposed excavation limits or route

1. Some Definitions

  1. “trench excavation” = depth > width
  2. “open excavation” = width ≥ depth

2. Health & Safety Regulations for Excavation Work in Manitoba

  1. What is the name of the regulation for excavation work in Manitoba? Construction Industry Safety Regulations MR 189/85
  2. What sections in the regulation covers “trench excavations”? Sections 135(1) to 139 (3)
  3. How deep can a trench excavation be dug before it needs shoring? 1.8 m (6') or soil conditions such that walls must be shored regardless of depth