Numeracy(N)—addresses the ability to interpret, apply, and communicate mathematical information in commonly encountered situations (adapted from Queensland Department of Education, 1994). Numerate behaviour is observed when people manage a situation or solve a problem in a real context, and involves responding to mathematical information that may be represented in multiple ways; it requires the observation of a range of enabling knowledge and behaviour processes. In the ALL context we refer to numeracy as: the knowledge and skills required to effectively manage and respond to the mathematical demands of diverse situations.

Problem Solving(PS)—involves the ability to apply cognitive processes toward determining a solution when that solution is not immediately obvious to the problem solver. The ALL definition of problem solving takes a "project approach" that focuses on the competencies needed for the regulation of actions in complex tasks.

Teamwork(T)—focuses on the core skill competencies associated with successful and effective teams and teamwork. To this end, three primary competencies required for effective Teamwork are proposed:

Group Decision Making/Planning, Adaptability/Flexibility, and Interpersonal Relations.

A fourth competency, Communication, underlies all three competencies and serves as a bridge between them.

Practical Cognition(PC)—refers to knowledge relevant to problems that are not clearly defined, are personal in nature, relate to everyday experience, have multiple correct solutions, and have multiple methods for deriving solutions. Measurement is achieved through items that present a real-life situation.

Information and Communication Technology Literacy(ICTL)—includes access to computers, self-assessment of computer-related attitude and ability, use of and experience with computers, methods used in the development of computer skills, and use of and experience with related technology.