Section 6

For more information

General Information on Literacy in Canada

graphic: pencil bullet Reading the Future: A Portrait of Literacy in Canada,
Statistics Canada, 1997.
graphic: pencil bullet Calami, Peter, Broken Words — Why five million Canadians are illiterate, Southam Newspaper Group, Toronto, 1987.
graphic: pencil bullet Des Laurier, Bob, “Functional Illiteracy in Canadian Business”, in Canadian Business Review, Winter, 1989.

General Information on Clear Writing

graphic: pencil bullet Plain Language Clear and Simple, Canada Communication Group Inc., Ottawa ON.
$6.95 + GST and shipping
Tel: 819-956-4800       Toll free: 1-800-635-7943
Fax: 819-994-1498
graphic: pencil bullet Écrire simplement, Fédération canadienne pour l’alphabétisation en francais (FCAF), Ottawa, ON.
$15 + taxes and shipping
Tel: 613-749-5333
Fax: 613-749-2252
graphic: pencil bullet Bailey, Edward P., Plain English at Work, Oxford University Press, 1996.
graphic: pencil bullet Cutts, Martin, The Plain English Guide: How to write clearly and communicate better, Oxford University Press, 1995.