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George Maher photo
Plain English Campaign, UK
George Maher

George Maher, eldest son of Chrissie Maher, the founder of the Plain English Campaign, has worked at the Campaign since 1982. He is a regular speaker and commentator in the media on plain language and its benefits to government and business. He has given seminars and presentations in the U.K., the U.S., France, Canada, Gibraltar, Spain, South Africa, Switzerland, India, Brazil, Ghana, Australia, New Zealand, and Russia.

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John Wild photo
Plain English Campaign, UK
John Wild

John Wild joined Plain English Campaign after a career as a science teacher. He has also managed quality assurance in the chemical industry, where he was responsible for drafting ISO 9000 quality manuals (not always in plain English!). His work at the Plain English Campaign involves him in training, presentations, editing, and document design. He has spoken publicly and trained people in many countries throughout the world.

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