Section 3: Processes and Steps
1 We ask people for feedback on how well our written materials meet their needs. Never Sometimes Usually
2 We avoid jargon and we define legalese when it must be used. Never Sometimes Usually
3 We explain things using the correct level of detail for each person. We check if they understand before we move on. Never Sometimes Usually
4 We offer all witnesses the same assistance, so we don’t embarrass people who have low literacy skills. Never Sometimes Usually
5 We encourage people to ask questions. Never Sometimes Usually
6 We watch and listen for clues about a person’s literacy level. Never Sometimes Usually
Section 4: Written Material
1 We ask people for feedback on how well our written materials meet their needs. Never Sometimes Usually
2 We support literacy groups in the community. Never Sometimes Usually
3 We train staff in how to respond to the needs of people with low literacy. Never Sometimes Usually
4 We train staff in clear writing. Never Sometimes Usually
5 We partner with literacy groups in our community to raise the profile of this “invisible” issue. Never Sometimes Usually