Section 1: Processes and Steps
  Read the question and assess your current situation Circle your assessment here
1 We use drawings, charts, and other graphics in letters, notices, and forms. Never Sometimes Usually
2 We offer non-print help (such as audio and video tapes). Never Sometimes Usually
3 We use visual elements like drawings, charts and other graphics in printed material. Never Sometimes Usually
4 The graphics we use are clear and simple. Never Sometimes Usually
5 We ask every person if they need help to complete forms or other paperwork. Never Sometimes Usually
Section 2: Written Material
1 Our written forms and materials are
easy to read and easy to use.
Never Sometimes Usually
2 We follow plain language and clarity
when we produce written materials.
Never Sometimes Usually
3 We write witness statements in everyday
Never Sometimes Usually
4 We define technical and legal terms in any text. Never Sometimes Usually
5 We use words that are simple and common words, not police jargon or legalese. Never Sometimes Usually
6 We only ask people for information or to fill out forms when it is truly necessary. Never Sometimes Usually
7 We go over all written statements orally,
using clear language, and checking
to make sure the person understands.
Never Sometimes Usually