
  • Lack of rooming houses, other rental options - especially for singles and particularly in rural communities
  • Utility bills can pose an extreme burden since they are often are very high, due to poor housing generally, including no/little insulation or improper installation by landlords
  • Shortage of affordable, adequate housing for non-elderly single people, seniors & families
  • Family & Community Services (FCS) has some housing but waiting lists are long
  • No transitional housing in some areas (e.g. shelters, short -term stay options)
  • FCS may support some hotel accommodations, but these are often a poor housing situation due to poor quality of the space, and the environment
  • First Nations also face housing issues
  • There are too many restrictive rules for people living in non-profit housing
  • Negative attitude towards people living in subsidized housing
  • Home ownership can be difficult when it comes to improvements and upkeep
  • No minimum property standards in many towns in New Brunswick. Landlords may do a quick fix on the exteriors, but neglect interiors
  • Issue of costs - hydro, insurance, etc.

Other Barriers

  • Some support for those who want to go back to school exists but the process is hard for some to understand
  • Issues with family breakups, i.e. mother receives assistance, support from the spouse does not go to her. This makes conflict greater.
  • Part time work and inadequate employment
  • Problems with pensions and other income
  • Prescription drug abuse
  • Government programs are narrow – as if “one size fits all” · The “system” is a barrier. Processes, rules, restrictions
  • Trust is an issue. It is an issue of control
  • “Policies” are so broad it makes individual responses difficult
  • “Action” is not often there to support people reaching out for help. Lots of talk
  • A general “stigma” with one’s address or status
  • Lack of information - some service providers are unaware that single parents are supposed to have a case plan that may help them to access services that are available in the community
  • Welfare to work/short term projects
  • There is some security in being on income assistance (health care, etc.)
  • Debt load on young people finishing post secondary education
  • Youth 16-19 years are falling through the cracks
  • Fear is a huge barrier - fear of losing children, fear of losing income support, etc.
  • Isolation in communities
  • Sustainability for organizations is an issue. (Some organizations have not had an increase in funding for years)
  • Cost of food
  • Cost of Education
  • High incidences of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in some areas
  • People leaving abusive situations
  • Low Levels of Literacy
  • Cyclical patterns of poverty in which generations of the same families continue to live in poverty

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