Salvageable parts are

  • Prescription drug coverage
  • Coverage (immediate) for children (including dental benefits)

Changes to consider include

  • Provision and broad dissemination of complete, clear information on benefits, as well as ‘sensitive’ approach to clients
  • Consistent application of the policy throughout province (e.g. compare between ex-offenders, foster children; partial vs. full coverage; and how various staff apply and interpret the policy
  • Simplification of the process for recipients
  • Elimination of waiting periods for the Health Card (e.g. between the end of a job/ E.I., service is needed in interim)
  • Eligibility for the card should be immediate to adults as they are to children (they must be ready for jobs and/or interviews)
  • Inclusion of dental coverage is required for adults (preventive checkups, fillings)
  • Coverage for first corrective eyeglasses for all who need, should be included
  • Extension of Health Card coverage to low wage workers - beyond 12 months

Positive impacts of some of the proposed changes

  • security
  • reduced stress
  • improved health
  • increased incentive and ability to work and/or to continue working
  • improved quality of life

Conclusion: Invest in people for short and long-term gains.

Wage Exemption

View is that there are two approaches to new policy development:

  1. Tinkering with it by making various amendments
  2. Working on the fundamentals to develop an entirely new approach

The participants agreed that New Brunswick would be better served all around, by making major shifts in some of the fundamentals and beliefs, to begin a new, workable approach.

  • Understand that people do want to work
  • Assumptions must be challenged and changed
  • Structure needs to be greatly revised
  • Economic vs. social perspective has to evolve into a collaborative, mutually beneficial understanding
  • Silos of policies, clients, issues must devolve
  • Terminology should be amended to balance approaches (e.g. wage ‘enhancement’ rather should be used rather than ‘exemption’)
  • Implement a Guaranteed Annual Income plan
  • Raise the exemption - annually, or in a graduated way

Gather research through several stakeholders including

  • those being impacted by such policies
  • employers
  • economists (cost analysis)
  • advocates of the clients themselves
  • other government departments and agencies (health, education, human rights)
  • broad-based community coalitions, etc.
  • other jurisdictions

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