For presenting to the government or public involve the above stakeholders and clearly present how the new approach creates incentives to move people into the work force and away from income assistance.

Discussion included a salvageable aspect of the current policy related to changes toward a long-term employment plan (12 months). While recognizing the principle as a good one, it must raise the allowable amount. Every employable person should be able earn up to the equivalent of minimum wage. Full time employment over that would be deducted.

The impact would be positive outcomes with increased quality of life, self-esteem, and employment opportunities, including full time work. This way, workers would be able to continue their efforts feeling appropriately supported and ‘rewarded’ for their participation.

Examples of a minimum wage equivalency: using 40 hrs/wk at approximately $960.00 per month

20 hrs @ $6 = 120 x 4 = $480 + $264.00 = $744.00
27 hrs @ $6 = 162 x 4 = $648 + $264 .00 = $912.00
30 hrs @ $6 = 162 x 4 = $720 + $264 = $960.00

Transportation (re Training and/or Employment Opportunities)

Who should be at the Table

  • Representatives of the Urban Care Support Network
  • Recipients of subsidy
  • Physicians
  • Third Party Advocates

Together they could work on and present demonstrations of real individual cases to identify all of the positive impacts and health benefits of working.

Rather than it being a one time benefit, transportation support should be amended in several ways. For example, for whose wage rate is less than $10/hr, subsidized on an ongoing basis.

Recommendations re the current policy


  1. Private Vehicle - $0.11/km to flat rate of $25/wk or $5 for each working day; this would be subject to change based on escalating costs. (Cost of Living Allowance - COLA)
  2. Bus -
    1. actual cost of fare through the hours of operation of the transit system
    2. should the recipient be employed in shift work, there must be a combination of vehicle/bus costs.
  3. Other- a flat daily rate of $4.00/day should be provided to those requiring transportation due to disability or inclement weather.

The policy can not be effective as single ‘blanket’ statement. Flexibility and timely resolution must be achieved within reasonable parameters, for individual cases and circumstances which may not readily meet the “standard” guidelines.

Intent of Policy
To insure all recipients secure and maintain gainful employment that will ultimately ensure independence, thus decreasing the need for subsidies and the burden on the government.

Parts of present policy to retain

  • Case Plan
  • Employer verification of days worked

End - Table Discussions

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