The conclusion of the conference followed the presentations of key points from the various table discussions. As conference coordinator Brenda Murphy, reflected upon the very positive reception by both community members and public policy developers. Each seemed to have learned some lessons from the other and that despite challenges and differences, they had found it valuable to do so. Further, participants seemed to have enjoyed the supportive, positive environment created for the conference. They had readily demonstrated mutual respect, open mindedness and energy to work together to make change for mutual benefit. She thanked everyone for attending what was to some, a rather intimidating experience. Some were experiencing this kind of event for the first time. Others were able to voice their thoughts in the open for the first time in contrast to a life-time of feeling they were alone in their situation or that no one would listen to their messages. Still others realized that in contrast to initial misgivings, people were receptive to working within public policy parameters.

In the words of one participant,

“We have all made connections here. Remember that sound research, hard work and broad knowledge of issues is only as effective as the depth and breadth of your connections with others.”

Surely an apt remark underlining the conference goal to ‘connect’ those on the “outside” with those on the “inside”, and to learn together, how and why they can help create more sound, sustainable public policy on poverty.

Prepared by
Rebecca Bourdage

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