Appendix B

Contacts for Information/Materials

Urban Core Support Network (UCSN)
A coalition of individuals living in poverty and community organizations who are working together to address poverty in Saint John. We focus on public awareness and actions to remove the barriers experienced by people living in poverty. We are particularly concerned with public policies that prevent people from moving forward in their lives. In our discussion paper Responding to the Voices of Poverty (1998) a number of government policies were identified over and over by people living in poverty as barriers. We continue to work toward effecting change in the government policies being discussed at the Conference. UCSN is supported by the Status of Women Canada and the Sisters of Charity.

Brenda Murphy Tel. : 506 642-9033 // E-m : //

Policylink N.B.
A partnership network, which includes government, academia, voluntary sector , business and citizens working together to foster a more responsive public policy through inclusion and collaboration. Policy link has as one of its primary focus areas the Social Policy issue of child and family poverty in New Brunswick

Rick Hutchins Tel. : 506 458-8274 // E-m : //

Coalition for Pay Equity-N.B.
A group of New Brunswick organizations and individuals that lobbies the provincial government to enact legislation to provide for pay equity in both the public and private sectors.

Johanne Perron Tel. : 506 855-0002 // E-m :

A National Demonstration Project of Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) for Learning We’ll describe how these dedicated savings accounts can help low-income families by matching their personal savings with public & private ones. We’ll share the concepts behind IDAs as a social policy and the exciting results of several demonstration projects in North America.

Jim Wilson Tel. : 506 462-3138 // E-m :

Public Policy – Community & Government Working Together

Cathy Wright Tel. : 506 832-5624 // E-m :

(FemJEPP) Feminists For Just & Equitable Public Policy
A provincial coalition of community-based organizations, individual social activists and women with “first hand” experience of the impacts of public policy and programs at the local community level in Nova Scotia. We are working on public policy for the betterment of women and their families. We have developed resources and tools to try to meet our overall purpose to ensure just and equitable policy for all Nova Scotian women & their families, toward their social & economic independence.

Stephanie Hunter Tel. : 902 423-8025 // E-m :

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