following example was developed from an Ontario evaluation system. This is an example of a pay equity plan originally posted by the Fairpay Company to show the results of job-to-job comparisons. The plan was then amended to show the results of a proportional value comparison Date of posting and pay equity adjustments - Fairpay Company posted the following pay equity plan on January 1, 1993. Pay equity adjustments to begin January 1, 1994. Establishment - Covers all employees of Fairpay Company, located at 123 Any Road, Toronto, Ontario. Job Classes
Method of comparison - A gender neutral job comparison system was used to measure the value of each job class. Points were assigned to each job class based on the following factors and subfactors: Factors Skill (30%) Evaluations were carried out by a Committee - Job classes of equal or comparable value were determined by dividing the system into point bands, 75 points wide. Comparison results - Following are female job classes with male comparators, evaluation results and the total pay equity adjustment needed in each case:
Permissible differences - No permissible differences were found between job rates of female and male job classes. |
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