Appendix C


The following example was developed from an Ontario evaluation system.
The Coalition for Pay Equity in New Brunswick is currently gathering technical information on job evaluation systems but has not yet proposed a N.B. system.

This is an example of a pay equity plan originally posted by the Fairpay Company to show the results of job-to-job comparisons. The plan was then amended to show the results of a proportional value comparison

Date of posting and pay equity adjustments - Fairpay Company posted the following pay equity plan on January 1, 1993. Pay equity adjustments to begin January 1, 1994.

Establishment - Covers all employees of Fairpay Company, located at 123 Any Road, Toronto, Ontario.

Job Classes

The following job classes are female job classes:

  • Accounting Clerk
  • Accounting Supervisor
  • Administrative Assistant
  • Customer Service Clerk
  • Marketing Coordinator
  • Receptionist
  • Secretary

The following job classes are male job classes:

  • Accountant
  • Controller
  • Market Analyst
  • Marketing Manager
  • President
  • Programmer
  • Sales Manager
  • Sales Representative
  • Shipper/Receiver
  • Warehouse Manager

Method of comparison - A gender neutral job comparison system was used to measure the value of each job class. Points were assigned to each job class based on the following factors and subfactors:

Factors Skill (30%)
Knowledge (10%)
Problem-solving/judgement (12%)
Effort (25%)
Mental effort (15%)
Interpersonal skills/contacts (8%)
Physical effort (10%)
Responsibility (35%)
Human resources (12%)
Financial resources (8%)
Information resources (10%)
Material resources (5%)
Working conditions (10%)
Environment (10%)

Evaluations were carried out by a Committee - Job classes of equal or comparable value were determined by dividing the system into point bands, 75 points wide.

Comparison results - Following are female job classes with male comparators, evaluation results and the total pay equity adjustment needed in each case:


Job Class


Pay Equity Adjustment

Female – Accounting Supervisor
Male – Programmer


$ 1.00/hr

Female - Administrative Assistant
Male - Shipper/Receiver


$ 1.00/hr

Permissible differences - No permissible differences were found between job rates of female and male job classes.

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