Appendix D


  • In place of formal evaluations, participants were encouraged throughout the conference to write comments on a series of randomly placed wall boards. They were asked to respond to such comments and questions as “what do you think” “what do you like” “what could we improve upon?” ”suggestions for change?” .
  • They were free to offer them on specific parts of the meetings or on the overall conference. Comments below are all of the content captured on the wall boards:
  • A gathering of minds that have a common bond that blended together wonderfully.
  • Wish I could have attended all the workshops- Do it again!
  • The rooms were very comfortable, the meals were great and the coffeehouse was a great hit, the workshops were informative and much information to make people more aware about the issues at hand.
  • Needs to be repeated. Thank you for your hard work.
  • The foods were great. The people were even better, so it’s a perfect combination.
  • (Meals) Delicious, (Room) Comfortable
  • Food Great!
  • Really enjoyed the Learn$ave presentation.
  • Great folks, great atmosphere, great presentations! Thanks!
  • The UCSN Toolkit Session was outstanding! Many useful examples of creative strategies, with dynamics highly organized and engaging speakers/ facilitators.
  • Really good! Hope the work done here is kept going! So much work to do but it was encouraging to meet others who are DOING IT!
  • A view from the front door- food for thought- start thinking about how to make a change…
  • Le lieu/cette maison do retraite favonsait les échanges en toute simplicité- bravo aux organisateurs/organisatrices!!
  • Had a great time. Excellent info and networking opportunities.
  • I enjoyed both meetings I went to very much. Accommodations are great.
  • The Best!!
  • If we had invited Paul Martin today we can start to bring him on board now. Just being here with the many dedicated, enthusiastic people is in itself an inspiration. The morning sessions were excellent- information was enjoyable and helpful. I enjoyed the workshops, E1 And A2, good input and great sharing
  • Like the pace!
  • Wonderful environment for learning and growing.
  • Lack of education held me back. Social gathering with good people is fun.
  • Starting Thursday morning with stories (voices) was great.
  • Really appreciated the coffeehouse as a way to meet people.
  • Liked starting with “Social time”. Enjoyed the “whole” experience
  • Would have been interesting to have talked/discussed the comment about the need to “get Anglophone community more involved” in the Coalition for Pay Equity network.”
  • Very friendly atmosphere!
  • Concern re ambiant noise in evenings when some tried to sleep while others stayed up later; more co-operation/understanding about noise levels would be welcome.
  • 3 Points:
  • Really enjoyed the Toolbox workshop and actually got some great tools- outstanding.
  • Always enjoy the networking that happens at conferences like these, but this was exceptional…USCN you are kindred souls.
  • Terrific way to end the conference. The last session really tied things up very well! Bravo, USCN!
  • Remind people to refrain from talking while the speaker is.
  • Really great! Gives me more of a positive out look on life!! Make the security more real!
  • Trés bien présenté! Bravo! Endisit parfait!
  • (Would prefer) more time for questions and discussions in some of the presentations and workshops.
  • Bon c’est bon!

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