- Limited oral communication demands
in a basic work-related social
- Responds to daily inquiries.
- Obtains specific information.
- Follows and gives simple instructions.
- Gives a simple greeting.
- Leaves and receives short routine
recorded messages.
- Attends routine meetings.
- Coordinates work with one or two
other individuals.
- Narrow range of subject matter,
familiar topic, one main issue.
- Language is factual, literal, concrete;
narrow range of content and context
specific or technical vocabulary.
- Information content is simple; limited
number of details.
- Highly predictable context.
- Interacting with one person at a time,
face to face, on a familiar matter. If
communicating on the phone, the
exchange follows a routine scenario.
Role of the speaker is singular and
clearly defined. Common situation,
familiar setting and process,
established format and style to provide and obtain information.
Physical context may be used to
support verbal communication.
Exchange is brief (10 minutes or less.).
- Low resulting in: unsuccessful
interaction where any particular
failure is of minor significance, minor
inefficiency, temporary confusion
of the listener, or discomfort or
embarrassment of the speaker.
- Follows contextualized discourse
related to common experience and
general knowledge. (6)
- Understands conceptualized short
sets of instructions and directions. (5)
- Demonstrates comprehension
details and speaker’s purpose in
directive requests, reminders, orders
and pleas. (7)
- Follows simple short predictable
phone messages, but has limited ability
to understand phone conversations.
- Understands routine work-related
information. (7)
- Understands simple exchanges:
direct questions about personal
experience and familiar topics; routine
(simple, repetitive, predictable) media
announcements. (5)
- Topic is concrete and familiar. (PC 6Footnote 4).
- Understands a range of common
vocabulary, and a very limited number
of idioms. (5)
- Follows the main ideas and identifies
key words and important details in
oral discourse in moderately demanding contexts of language use
(face to face formal and informal
conversations, audio tapes and radio
broadcasts) on relevant topics and at
a slower to normal rate of speech. (6)
- The length of discourse is
up to 10
minutes. (PC 6)
- Pictures and visuals are used. (PC 6)
- Setting and context are concrete
familiar. (PC 6)
- Learner is adequately briefed for
focused listening. (PC 6)
- Often requests repetition. (5)
- Listens to two-way radios to receive
messages, addresses and directions
from dispatchers and supervisors.
- Listens to supervisors to receive
assignments and priorities.
- Greets and talks to patrons to answer
questions about the business and help
patrons find products.
- Listens to announcements over
loudspeakers to follow emergency
- Interacts with suppliers in person
or over the phone to place a typical
order for supplies.
- Takes orders from customers for food
or drinks to place an order.
- Listens for instructions or warnings
shouted by the captain or crew
members, such as “Anchor’s over!”
which indicates it is time to drop the
- Receives instructions and updates on
daily activities from supervisors and
asks opinions regarding procedures
and materials to purchase.
- Interacts with suppliers or
manufacturers to seek clarification on
the characteristics of products or to
verify their availability.
- Takes a simple phone message.
- Understands a range of spoken
everyday instructions on step-by-step
- Identifies specific factual details and
inferred meanings in simple advice
and suggestions, announcements and
- Demonstrates comprehension of the
gist, factual details and some inferred
meanings by listening to descriptive or
narrative text.
- Listens to a customer work order and
writes it down in point form.
- Understands a set of instructions not
presented completely in point form:
the sequence/order must be inferred
from text.
- Listens to a 2-3 minute report or
news item and recalls 7-10 important
- Listens to conversations between
individuals; identifies stated and
unspecified details about the situation,
relationships, intent and moods of
participants; answers questions. (7)
- Listens to information about
services (e.g., transit, library, travel
reservations, renting accommodation);
completes a related task (e.g., retell,
respond to questions, complete a
chart, table or diagram).