- Extensive oral communication
demands in complex work-related
social interaction.
- Provides, obtains or exchanges
detailed complex information and
- Follows and gives complex directions
and instructions.
- Persuades.
- Resolves non-routine conflict.
- Entertains casually or with
- Advises or counsels.
- Assesses or evaluates.
- Leads routine meetings.
- Co-ordinates work with and for
- Significant range of subject matter,
professional, organizational,
theoretical, social issues.
- Language can be abstract and
- Extensive range of general and
technical vocabulary and idioms.
- Information content is complex and
detailed, deals with facts, emotions
and opinions.
- Requires ability to organize, present
and interpret ideas coherently.
- Obtains key information for important
tasks by listening to complex
dialogues. (9)
- Obtains complex detailed information,
ideas and opinions needed for
important tasks from multiple sources
in demanding contexts of language
use. (10)
- Understands a broad range of factual,
persuasive and expressive oral
language in various contexts. (10)
- Infers much ‘unspoken’ attitudinal
and socio-cultural information and
critically evaluates selected aspects of
oral discourse. (10)
- Has adequate listening/interpreting
skills to satisfy most academic and
work-related expectations for
competent communication. (11)
- Follows a broad variety of general
interest and technical topics in own
field, including unfamiliar topics on
abstract conceptual or technical
matters, when discourse has a clear
organizational structure and clear
discourse transition signals, and is
delivered in a familiar accent. (9)
- Discourse contexts are academic or
occupationa / professional. (PC 9)
- Interviews candidates for senior
positions to assess their qualifications
and to evaluate how they may
contribute to meeting strategic
business goals.
- Listens to members of the medical
community to gain insight into
evolving ways to modify work
environments to meet the needs
of disabled employees. Uses this
information to analyze programs
in effect in their workplaces and to
provide input to policy development
regarding accommodation of disabled
employees’ needs.
- Participates in production meetings
to exchange information and solve
- Requests information from or gives
direction to police, fire department
and medical staff during an incident.
For example, paramedics may direct
care during extrication.
- Interacts with customers to analyze
their requirements, establish
objectives and negotiate agreements.
- Consults with business partners and
professional service providers during
the strategic planning process.
- Listens to customers to understand
their requirements and sell goods or
services which meet their interests.
Misinterpretation of, or indifference
to, the needs of customers may result
in loss of business.
- Makes a diagram, chart or a detailed
outline to explain how the supporting
details relate to and develop the main
ideas in a lecture/presentation (20-30
minutes). (9)
- In a lecture or presentation, identifies
phrases and sentences that mark:
introducing topic, listing and naming of
points to come, restating, examples to
illustrate a point, transitioning to the
next point and concluding. (9)
- Follows a 20-30 minute panel
discussion or debate to obtain
detailed information from and about
each speaker and position; completes
a related task (summarize, paraphrase,
label a complex diagram). (9)
- Summarizes a 20-30 minute lecture/
presentation in a 2- page summary. (9)
- In a video/audio-taped social
conversation in a workplace, identifies
specific clues to interpret attitudinal
meanings. Completes a related task in
a standard format: circling, matching,
filling in blanks, completing a chart.
- Follows extensive multi-step complex
instructions on how to mediate and
resolve an escalating conflict between
children or on how to deal with a
difficult client or employee.(10)