- Reads more complex texts to locate
a single piece of information or reads
simpler texts to locate multiple pieces
of information.
- Makes low-level inferences.
- Follows main ideas, key words and
important details in a one-page (3-5
paragraphs), plain language authentic
prose and non-prose (formatted) text
in moderately demanding contexts of
use. (6)
- Locates 3-5 pieces of specific, detailed
information in prose passages, charts
and schedules for analysis, comparison
and contrast. (6)
- Reads printed or legible handwritten
notes, memos, letters, schedules and
itineraries. (6)
- Can get new information about
familiar topics reading mostly factual
texts with clear organization, and
within familiar background knowledge
and experience. (6)
- Language of the text is mostly
concrete and factual, with some
abstract, conceptual and technical
vocabulary items, and may require
low-level inference to comprehend
it (e.g., person may guess some new
words by recognition of prefixes and
suffixes). (6)
- Uses a concise unilingual ESL/EFL
learner dictionary. (6)
- Reads safety precautions relating
fire hazards in the kitchen.
- Reads security incident reports left by
the preceding shift.
- Scans brochures or forms from
insurance companies for information
about the coverage of specific
procedures to inform patients.
- Reads industry publications, press
releases, economic impact reports
and newspaper articles.
- Reads forms that are relevant to
her/his job, such as letters of credit
and completed payroll and billing
adjustment forms.
- Reads notes from teachers explaining
what they do in class or asking for
feedback on a student.
- Reads pamphlets about equipment
or chemicals to determine if they are
suitable for their operation.
- Reads health and safety notices
posted on bulletin boards to apply
safe working practices on the job.
- Reads recipes and uses them to
prepare food.
- Reads specifications for the assembly
and modification of parts.
- Obtains information from authentic
notes, e-mail messages and letters;
identifies correctly specific factual
details and inferred meanings (e.g.,
circle or check items, fill in blanks). (6)
- Obtains information from social
announcements, reports and other
social texts in the newspaper. (6)
- Explains instructions of use and
warnings printed on the labels of
common commercial / industrial
chemical products (e.g., dishwasher
detergent). (6)
- Explains the details in notices,
announcements and newspaper
coverage of public health issues. such
as a disease. (6)
- Scans a page in a continuing education
community courses calendar; locates
2-3 pieces of information that match
the requirements in another text. (6)
- Reads a report, interview, news item
or a story, that includes explanations
and examples. Identifies seven out of
ten important points. Retells the text
in own words. (6)
- Explains how something works (in
nature or man-made) based on a
text; relates the sequence of steps or
stages in a cycle or process described
in the text. (6)
- Uses the information from a timeline /
schedule chart to solve a simple
scheduling problem. (6)
- Accesses, locates and compares /
contrasts two or three pieces of
information in a reference source
(e.g., dictionaries, encyclopedias,
atlases). (6)