Baseline: ES Level 3



  • Chooses and integrates information from various sources or from several parts of a single text.
  • Makes low-level inferences from multiple sources.
  • Identifies relevant and irrelevant information.


  • Follows main ideas, key words and important details in an authentic 2-3 page text on a familiar topic, but within only partially predictable context. (8)
  • Reads popular newspaper and magazine articles and popular easy fiction, as well as academic and business materials. (8)
  • Extracts relevant points, but often requires clarification of idioms and of various cultural references. (8)
  • Locates and integrates several pieces of information in visually complex texts (e.g., tables, directories), or across paragraphs or sections of text. (8)
  • Text can be abstract, conceptual or technical topics, containing facts, attitudes and opinions. Inference may be required to identify writer’s bias and the purpose/function of text. (8)
  • Reads in English for information, to learn the language, to develop reading skills. (8)
  • Uses unilingual dictionary when reading for precision vocabulary building. (8)


  • Refers to manuals and procedures to gain information (e.g., sandblasting manual and painting procedures on how to deal with surfaces of differing porosity and hardness).
  • Refers to several human resource manuals to locate information on topics such as pay scales and job descriptions.
  • Reads computerized incident reports and relates them to memos and directives.
  • Reads supervisor reports to provide feedback.
  • Reads performance reports or case worker reports.
  • Reads insurance reports to determine the extent of coverage.
  • Reads the employee handbook, standards, equipment manuals and travel information.
  • Reads tour manuals and travel guides to generate ideas for product development.
  • Refers to computer manuals to learn how to perform certain functions or how to use new software packages.
  • Reads various parenting books, magazines and newsletters to stay up-to-date on child development issues, such as nutrition and discipline and to find ideas for crafts and activities.


  • Reads authentic notes, e-mail messages and letters (personal and public) containing general opinions, assessments of current affairs, response to a complaint / conflict, or expression of sympathy; Identifies correctly specific factual details/ inferred meanings. (8)
  • Explains how to assemble a simple object, according to written instructions and diagrams.
  • Follows instructions for CPR and what to do in case of a serious injury in a car accident. (8)
  • Obtains information from public health advisories, municipal notices, violation notices and penalty payment forms, community newsletters and bulletins. Decides on action. (7)
  • Interprets selections from texts about safety precautions at a workplace (e.g., WHIMIS: Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System), by locating and integrating 3-4 pieces of information from the text. (8)
  • Reads a performance evaluation; answers comprehension questions as required in the task. (7)
  • Identifies main ideas of a 5-10 paragraph text about a current event; summarizes the text into 150-200 words. (8)
  • Predicts how something (e.g., a machine, design, arrangement, law) would work based on information in a text. (8)
  • Based on the information, completes an unfinished classification / categorization diagram. (7)
  • Interprets orally or in written text, a process flow chart related to basic science or social science. (8)
  • Accesses and locates several pieces of information in on-line electronic reference sources. (8)
  • Reads policy and procedure manuals, equipment installation manuals, user product guides and health and safety advisories. (9)