Baseline: ES Level 5



  • Longer pieces of writing which present an evaluation or critique, usually accompanied by recommendations.
  • Writing tasks of any length that demand originality and effectiveness.
  • Appropriate tone and mood may be as important as the content.
  • Writing may display complex, multipart organization to accommodate varied content.
  • The content must be created or it may be synthesized using information from multiple sources.


  • Writes formal texts needed for complex non-routine tasks in demanding contexts of language use (business/work, academic). (11)
  • Writes complex original formal texts to inform, recommend, critique/ evaluate ideas and information, present and debate complex arguments, or to persuade a mostly unfamiliar audience. (11)
  • Synthesizes complex extensive information and ideas from multiple sources as a summary/abstract for other people’s use. (11)
  • Writes technical texts, informational and sales / promotional brochures, advertisements and instructions, formal reports and short proposals. (11)
  • Writes an effective, stylistically complex and interesting text: expository or argumentative essay, symbolic or allegorical story, rational inquiry paper, problem–solution paper, or an analytic report about a previously researched topic. (11)
  • Proofreads, revises and edits own and other’s texts, using own resources.


  • Writes reports and proposals, comparing and evaluating a variety of products.
  • Writes business and marketing plans.
  • Writes proposals and position papers to persuade others or to defend her/ his interests.
  • Writes job descriptions, job performance appraisals and program appraisals.
  • Writes research articles for newspapers and magazines.
  • Writes program materials and scripts.
  • Writes seasonal and annual reports.
  • Writes research papers.
  • Writes proposals, terms of reference and contracts.
  • Writes project proposals, grant applications and project evaluations.
  • Creates marketing materials, scripts, speeches and feature articles.
  • Writes program brochures and articles for newsletters.
  • Writes business plans to detail strategic plans and their implementation.
  • Writes speeches for delivery at a wide variety of formal and informal occasions.
  • Writes copy for presentations to the public, such as fashion shows. This is creative writing that focuses on entertaining as well as informing and motivating the public.


  • Writes social business letters to express thanks, acceptance, acknowledgement, offer of resignation, congratulations, sympathy, condolence, to foster goodwill, or to express an opinion as a citizen. (10)
  • Listens to a presentation of complex information; records, as an outline of main points and supporting details, point-form notes of selected relevant points, a summary, a chart or diagram. (10)
  • Reproduces information from several complex visual graphics in paragraph format. (10)
  • Writes a report that describes, compares and summarizes data recorded in a number of formats. (10)
  • Writes a semi-formal proposal for a service contract. (10)
  • Writes a report that evaluates and compares products; recommends one of them for purchase. (10)
  • Fills out employment application forms of any length and writes an effective personal resume. (10)
  • Using a standard legal form, writes an agreement, offer to purchase or work contract. (10)
  • Describes and compares two processes (e.g., routines, sequences, cycles, states, systems, components and their functions) in own area of study or work. (10)
  • Writes a problem–solution paper, experiment report paper or research report using secondary resources.
  • Revises and edits written work. (10)
  • Writes a summary report that relates information from two or three different studies on applied research findings in the same area. (11)
  • Writes an analytical report to analyze the government’s funding of social services, cultural and recreational activities, health care services. (11)