Since women possess varying degrees of these essential foundations, we feel that it is a spiral process to acquire a sense of self and place. A spiral is a continuous curve that has a fixed center point. The fixed center is the optimal place where we are constantly striving to be. At the fixed center we have a firm confidence in ourselves (sense of self) in our ability to take on anything. We also are certain of the supports that provide a sense of place to motivate us throughout the task. Also at the center is a sacred space that we have designated for ourselves to do our tasks. It is important to note that not everyone has the same fixed center. This fixed center also changes for each person during various stages in her life. For example, one may feel she needs to retreat from a community that has offered support in the past because she needs to explore her sense of self at that point in time. At different points in our lives we are drawn away from the fixed center of the spiral. We lose faith in ourselves because someone has given us negative feedback. A close friend moves away and we lose that intimate connection and support from that person. Those with more power or money take our sacred space away. Although these circumstances may cause us to drift from the fixed center of the spiral, we can also move back toward the center as we feel more grounded in our sense of self, sense of place, and sacred space.
At some point in our lives, we will ask ourselves the questions, “Who am I?” and “What is my purpose here on earth?” When we ask these questions we search to define ourselves and find meaning in our lives. This knowledge and understanding of ourselves is the essential foundation needed to carry us through tasks. In a recent collage activity on goals Patricia, an 18-year old immigrant from the Dominican Republic, defined herself solely by her body:
In learning strategies class, I asked the women to use pictures to show their educational goals. Patricia’s collage had pictures of slender models, pieces of artwork, and an island paradise. She pointed at the pictures of the models and said that they represented the beauty that she has and wants to maintain. She stated that when she receives her GED, she would go on a vacation to the island paradise. She would also buy several pieces of artwork as her “reward” for finishing her high school degree (Teacher reflection notes, 2004).