Arlene really loves the “honoring centers.” She always says its one of her favorite activities. She brings a picture of her grandmother because she is a positive influence on her learning at the ALP. Arlene seems to be aware that she needs something to encourage her throughout the day when learning becomes challenging. She also realizes that by bringing in this revered picture of her grandmother, she is also honoring herself. She is affirming that she is worthy of positive energy and success. (Teacher reflection notes, 2004)
The women have stated several times that they enjoy this opportunity for personal expression and creativity. Even the quietest students in the group are quick to say that they feel good about their honoring centers. They each bring a part of themselves to the table, which is openly received and respected by the rest of the group. Like Lucy, who wanted to bring in flowers because her table partner would bring beautiful objects too, the learners know that if everyone at the table participates in the “honoring center,” the table will be all the more beautiful. In class one day, Arlene even said that, “if the people in your group don’t cooperate, then your table looks lousy….your table shines when you have collaboration.”
They have the opportunity to share their objects and their group’s honoring center during class. This activity is one true example of how space can have an enduring effect on one’s sense of self and sense of place.
The honoring centers in the classroom are one activity that is easily transferred to each woman’s personal learning space. Most of the women have been able to take this concept of creating a worthy space for learning at home. Some, like Lucy, are able to realize that the reason for designing this “place of respect” is so they will learn to respect themselves and think of themselves as “the best.” In planning their learning spaces at home, some women have acquired new furniture, like bookcases, desks, or side tables. They bring candles home and play their own relaxing music as they do their work. Some have even decorated their desks with fresh flowers. They enjoy preparing their own learning environment with symbols that represent worthiness and accomplishment: