Looking back at the spiral cycle of finding the self, I reaffirm that the “fixed center” of the spiral is different for each person. I have observed at our Adult Learner Program, that part of “finding the self” comes through being connected with others. Some of the women do not have spaces of their own, but while they are in shelters, they find comfort and connection with the other women in the program. I noticed, that two students who recently received Section 8 housing and moved into their own homes have left the program. One moved to a home that is far from our program. The other stayed in the neighborhood. I wondered why the other student quit school despite finding housing in the neighborhood. Couldn’t she dedicate her energy and time to learning now that she had a space of her own? I realize she is at a point on the spiral cycle where she probably needs to get accustomed to her newly acquired sacred space. Perhaps she also needs time to define her sense of self in her new home. So perhaps people who live in situations where everyone has little material possessions are able to realize their human potential. Through hope and the support of community they can help each other explore the possibilities of their potential.
In this paper, I determined that violence is no longer present when a person is able to explore her needs, interests, and desires without being “held down.” In my future research, I would like to further this exploration of what it means to be “fully human.” I want to delve deeper into our spiral cycle of finding the self because this is what we have found to transform women in our program who have experienced violence. In guiding them through steps towards finding a sense of self, sense of place, and designing a sacred space, many women have shown glimpses of their capacity to overcome or manage barriers and learn. I wonder, however, if this spiral cycle can carry across all cultures. I think about who constructs the idea of space anyway? Different cultures’ ideas of space and self will dictate how their people understand a deeper meaning of themselves.