Dear Potential Participant,
You are being invited to participate in a research study conducted by Louise Nichol, a Master’s student in the Organizational Leadership (MALT) Program at Royal Roads University, Victoria, British Columbia. If you do elect to take part, you are free to withdraw at any time without any negative consequences. My affiliation with Royal Roads University can be confirmed by contacting Dr. Gerry Nixon, Committee Chair, School of Leadership Studies, Ph. (xxx) xxx-xxxx.
This research is designed to facilitate and capture the dialogue between a small group of Employment Counsellors in rural and Northern Manitoba. The Employment Counsellors will discuss the supports they feel they need to enhance their work of helping individuals find jobs in sparsely populated areas of Manitoba. There are three steps to the data collection process in this study. There will be a one hour phone interview followed by two focus groups.
The interview (and focus groups) will be audio-recorded. You will be sent a copy of the direct quotations from your interview which are intended to be included in the final report document so you may check the accuracy of the information you have provided, and/or suggest a modification/s if your intent was not captured accurately. The purpose of the focus groups is to provide an opportunity for you to expand upon, hear from others and collectively share further insights. The focus group also provides an opportunity for the researcher to validate the themes that were identified, and ensure all views and contributions are included.
The Community and Government organizations that employ you will benefit from obtaining key information regarding sufficient resources, training, or other supports to properly assess and refer high-need employment seekers in rural and northern regions.
You are not obliged to take part in the research project. If you elect to take part, your responses will remain confidential and information collected will be presented as aggregate data only. You are free to withdraw at any time with no prejudice. Similarly, if you chose not to take part in this research project, your decision will be respected and maintained in confidence. The final report will be housed at Royal Roads University and will be publicly accessible.
If you would like to participate in the research project, please contact the researcher by phone, fax or e-mail as follows.
Thank you in advance for your valuable contribution to this study!