Supporting Employment Counsellors in Rural and northern Regions

Researcher: Louise Nichol
Phone: (xxx) xxx-xxxx – day
((xxx) xxx-xxxx—evenings
Address: #xxxxxxxxxxx
Toll free: 1-(xxx) xxx-xxxx

Informed Consent Form

You have been invited to participate in a research study conducted by Louise Nichol, a Master’s student in the Organizational Leadership (MALT) Program at Royal Roads University, Victoria, British Columbia. If you do elect to take part, you are free to withdraw at any time without any negative consequences. Similarly, if employees or other individuals elect not to take part in this research project, this information will also be maintained in confidence.

This research is designed to facilitate and capture the dialogue between a small group of Employment Counsellors in rural and Northern Manitoba. The Employment Counsellors will discuss the supports they feel they need to enhance their work helping individuals find jobs. The Community and Government Employers will benefit from obtaining key information regarding sufficient resources, training, or other supports to properly assess and refer high-need employment seekers in rural and northern regions.

You have been selected for this study because you meet one or more of the following selection criteria: