NILA was originally funded through Human Resources and Social Development Canada, specifically from the National Literacy Secretariat, through funding programs linked to Literacy and Essential Skills. Being initially funded as a research project presented a serious challenge for NILA and their ability to secure on-going funds. It costs money to continue bringing together a Board of Directors that is scattered across the country, and so, NILA continues to seek funding, donations, and grants to support their offices and activities. One opportunity that this research project presented was the opportunity to present findings that will help NILA in presenting information supportive of their cause, as the reports will continue to garner government interest in funding.

To visually present how NILA gets funded, Figure 2 illustrates the flow of funds from the federal government departments of Human Resources and Social Development Canada and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. This illustration is based on my experience helping groups develop and submit proposals. The diagram flows downward and shows Human Resources and Social Development Canada funding on the left side. This funding typically flows through a variety of federal and provincial departments and is allocated on a project-by-project basis for many community-based organizations. NILA has primarily been, and continues to be, funded through the National Literacy Secretariat.