Rural and Northern Manitoba Communities

Occupational Title of Employment Counsellor is an Oxymoron

Given the absence of an active labour market, it appears that the occupational title of Employment Counsellor is an oxymoron in rural and northern Manitoba. The location of the EC’s job is an integral factor in achieving job success. How can the EC help their clients find employment if there are no jobs available? Mendelson (2004) reminded us that “unemployment is by far and away highest on reserve” (p. 31).

Political Leadership on Reserves

This area is intended to communicate primarily to the Chiefs and Councils who govern reserves in Manitoba, but can be an important message for other small communities in rural and northern locations. Political leadership on reserves is a barrier to inclusive labour market planning and development. Peruniak (2004) presented the paper, “National Consultation on Career Development in Rural Settings 2004.” The rural career counsellors surveyed discussed job barriers and presented the following results.

Three groups identified a lack of a collective voice in trying to inform policy makers about rural career development. Three of four groups explicitly mentioned the bureaucratic, hierarchical mindset as an obstacle to long-term, creative career development.… three groups mentioned the challenge of transportation.… two groups mentioned dependence on government programs.… two groups mentioned short-term thinking.… two other groups commented on the limited tax base and restricted employment opportunities. (p. 5)

Literacy and Employability Skill Requirements

Literacy and employability skill requirements are not being addressed in rural and northern Manitoba. George (1998) explained the importance of literacy to success, “Native literacy fosters and promotes achievement and a sense of purpose, which are both central to self-determination” (p. 6).