Next we investigate in more detail respondent use of ICTs and literacy skills. To do this, three broad
measures were obtained to effectively summarize ICT use in three domains:

These measures were constructed as index scores, using several variables from the ALL survey (see Box 2).
These indices will be used throughout the rest of this paper.

BOX 2 : Indices of ICT use and familiarity

Three indices of ICT use and familiarity were derived from several observed variables that were collected in the
ALL survey. ICT related variables were examined using Exploratory Factor Analysis with principal components
specified as the method. Confirmatory Factor Analysis was then used to validate three models that were
hypothesized on the basis of the exploratory results and an interpretation of the observed variables. Index scores were derived according to the specified models using a Rasch scaling approach. Scores for each index are expressed as standardized scores on a 10-point scale, with a mean of 5 and a standard deviation of 1.5.

The underlying variables used to construct the three measures are outlined below:

1. Index of perceived usefulness and attitude toward computers

2. Index of diversity and intensity of Internet use

3. Index of using computers for task-oriented purposes