Within the scope of this study, scores for perceived usefulness and attitude toward computers, diversity and intensity of Internet use, and use of computers for task-oriented purposes were relatively comparable within countries - with a few exceptions (Chart 8). As with ICT penetration generally, one would expect measures of ICT use and familiarity to vary by country, though. Bermuda emerged as a leader in all three measures, but it was closely followed by the United States, Canada, Norway and Switzerland. Scores were substantially lower in Italy, particularly for diversity and intensity of Internet use, and use of computers for taskoriented purposes. In Switzerland, scores for the perceived usefulness of computers, and diversity and intensity of Internet use were lower than most other countries, but together with Bermuda it was one of the leading countries for use of computers for task-oriented purposes.
Within Canada, attitudes and intensity of ICT use varied by province and territory (Chart 9). The Yukon Territory, the Northwest Territories, Alberta and British Columbia were all above the national mean in all three indices. These provinces and territories had the most intensive ICT users in the country. In fact, in the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories, scores were above the international mean (obtained from all 6 countries in this study) in all three ICT measures. Residents of Ontario were also intensive computer and Internet users. Individuals in the Yukon Territory and Quebec had the highest perceived usefulness of computers, however those in Quebec scored lower in terms of their actual ICT use. Similarly, in Nunavut perceived usefulness and attitude toward computers scored the highest of the three measures, but actual use of ICTs scored lower. Overall, Nunavut and Newfoundland and Labrador were the areas with the least intensive ICT users. In most of the other provinces, scores mirrored those at the national level.
Chart 8.
Mean ICT scores by country, 2003
Veenhof, Clermont and Sciadas, 2005.
Chart 9.
Mean ICT scores, Canada, provinces and territories, 2003
Statistics Canada, Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey, 2003.