Learning: I Can Change the Way I FeelI love learning: it's my passion. But love and enjoyment were not the only emotions involved in this learning, as reading sometimes reminded me of unhappy, frightening or sad events in my life. I couldn't keep those memories out so I decided to use my reading to learn ways of dealing with them. One piece of information that was a tremendous help is very simple: at any time, one's body is in the same state as one's mind.
Reading others' stories felt dangerous, and so did remembering my own. I had to keep reminding myself that to the brain, past, present and future are one, which was why I felt such intensity about past events:
![]() To change the tension or adrenalin rush that was part of my emotional reaction, I could deliberately slow my breathing. By relaxing my breath, I could read, or remember, without experiencing the original emotion. It felt like the difference between watching a movie of an event and living through it. Another helpful development was learning to recall positive memories, where I had acted in opposition to the emotion being triggered at the time. The VALTA Project facilitators introduced this as a workshop exercise, and several authors recommended the technique as something to do before a stressful situation. By recalling and writing in my journal about times when I acted with integrity, courage, creativity or compassion and acted quickly or was unusually effective, I gave myself a string of positive emotions to call upon when the negative seemed about to cave me in. |
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