I also rediscovered the power of honestly expressing emotion. That's something I've always tried to do—at least, that's what I thought—but my reading brought me renewed awareness. Sometimes, I feel something and can't name it. It's not lack of vocabulary, it's lack of experience in really feeling what is there. There are still times when I can only describe a feeling as "uncomfortable," but I am now at least able to articulate that something's going on, emotionally. The last time this feeling surfaced, it was over pairing a particular tutor-student team together. The student needed a tutor, but on recognizing the feeling I decided to wait; later events proved my instinct was correct.
More Connections: Emotion and IntuitionReading that intuition is an essential ingredient for management success was a surprise. I've always had intuition, but certainly didn't trust it. Yet the writers of Executive EQ are teaching executives to do just that:
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