2. Learning through ModelingThe experience of learning through modeling was profound for Project participants who drew attention to the capacity of the Project coordinators to 'walk the talk' or 'practice what they were preaching.' They modeled what they were teaching in the way that they taught: they mirrored it well. Broader concept of learning demonstrated by the facilitators—they could experience it and in turn be able to apply it in their work. Mary, Jenny and Judy practiced what they were preaching. I'd read a lot about bringing the whole self to learning but I'd never seen it in action. They showed us what it looked like and now we can internalize those values ourselves. There's a huge difference between leading and directing, and while direction was offered, in choice of reading materials and activities, we were led—these three women were examples of what they taught: awesome! 3. Learning by DoingAnother recurrent theme was the power of learning by doing. Participants were not just told or shown how to develop a more holistic way of working; they were deeply involved throughout VALTA in the practice of bringing the whole self to learning. The Project clearly demonstrated the effectiveness of experiential learning. Learning by doing is very powerful. The best part was being actively involved in different holistic learning options. I learned so much more this way than just reading about it. We learn by doing: first by taking part in art, music, and movement activities at our workshops, then by being encouraged to continue activities of that type while taking the course. The self-care and the holistic approach were really powerful. Here we were creating silly hats, looking after ourselves and having a good time and I wondered, "When are we going to start learning?" Then I realized that we were learning. We weren't just given strategies to use—we were doing it. It's more powerful when you do it yourself. |
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