4. Being Connected with Others and Being Part of a NetworkOne of the elements that participants found most meaningful in VALTA was the sense of being connected with others in the project in relationships of mutual trust. Group cohesion developed very early on through the workshops and this fostered comfort, closeness and a collaborative ethic among participants. They experienced a sense of community that imparted an energy to the work of the Project. It was really helpful to have that energy (of connection). Just knowing everyone was there was a huge thing. I felt a sense of community—I asked for and received input from the group. There was intensity, honesty and bravery in the sharing in the last meeting. The workshops solidified us as a group and we got to know the facilitators. In online courses, there is often a difference between what is said and what is meant. It was not so in this Project because we knew the people we were communicating with. The personalities within the group were very different but it worked very well. A lot of connections were made and there was fostering to work with those connections. Within the group there was a lot of comfort and closeness. They led us to be a very cohesive group with trust in each other. One of the key supports for me was the rapport we shared which began with the first weekend meeting. I admit to finding the activities a wee tad strange...and I thought it was pretty airy-fairy until I realized how close we had become and how much trust there was within the group. That's where I knew I wanted to learn more and be able to create that kind of atmosphere among learners in my program. |
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