In the writing group, we all created the rules. No one was asked to do anything we didn't all agree on. Setting guidelines is important to any writing group, but for women who have experiences of violence, it becomes even more essential. The world is full of dangerous places and experiences for them, and there must be a feeling of control if they are to feel free to try something new or difficult. Group Guidelines
Freedom to ChooseAn integral part of the VALTA Project and the Writing Out Loud process is the freedom to decline participation in an activity without repercussion. A writer is not required to write on a given prompt or to share anything. Laurie and I found that the women shared every piece of writing. I was concerned that they had gotten into the habit of sharing everything and might read something they would have preferred to keep to themselves, or avoid writing on something they did not feel prepared to share with the whole group. I had written on one prompt and then questioned if it was something I wanted to give to the group. I chose to pass on that one, saying that I wanted to keep it to myself, in the hopes that my doing so would encourage others to make the same choice if they wished. |
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