I wish I had my high school

Years ago I used to work as a chambermaid, but I quit because there was a lot of backstabbing.image Some of the girls made fun of me 'cause I didn't know how to read. If someone left clothes behind you'd have to write it down and put it in a plastic bag and take it to the front desk. So I'd ask the girls how to spell this and that. They called me stupid. So I said fine, I quit. So I didn't bother going back to work. . . My friends are glad I'm back in school and starting to know how to read and write long letters. Last year I wrote a book about my life.

If you had to leave school before you got your high school diploma, there are many programs to help you upgrade your education. You do not have to go back to high school. Learning at this level is often called Adult Basic Education (ABE). It is sometimes called literacy, but usually literacy means the basic skills of reading and writing.

You may not know your grade level, but the people who run the programs can figure that out for you. Sometimes, to do this, they give you an assessment test. Jennie said the test was good because it put her at a level that was easy for her and she got A's. Now she's moved to the next level and it's harder.

Some places offer two kinds of courses for ABE students. One is the same as school; it starts on one date and ends on another. The other kind of course is called continuous intake, where you can start any time you want and go as often as you like - every day or every Monday, or whenever you can. You finish the course when you finish the work.

Adult Literacy Contact Centre
#622-510 W. Hastings St. Vancouver, BC V6B 1L8
Toll free from anywhere in BC 1-800-663-1293
In the Lower Mainland call 684-0624

In BC, we have the Adult Literacy Contact Centre. You can call this centre toll free from anywhere in the province and get information about ABE programs in your area.

"The hardest
thing was
through the
door the
first time."


The people who answer the phone will ask you where you live and what you want to do. This helps them find the programs that are right for you. They keep an up-to-date list of all ABE programs offered by school boards, community colleges, Employment and Immigration Canada (EIC) programs, and distance education. They will find information and make phone calls for you if you'd like them to. You do not have to tell them your name unless you want them to call you back. The more information you give them, the easier it is for them to decide which programs might suit you.

If you have completed your Grade 10 you may qualify for pre-apprenticeship training in trades. See page 41 for more information about these courses.

Some courses do not cost anything and there is money available to pay the costs of other courses.

Free Courses:

  • Any basic literacy course in the province
  • Courses to get your high school diploma if you have never graduated from high school and you are imagetaking your upgrading courses through a school board
  • EIC courses for women on Unemployment Insurance (UI) or Social Assistance

Adult Basic Education Student Assistance Program (ABESAP)
This is a grant that you can get to pay for the costs of tuition, books, supplies and in some cases transportation and child care. You can apply for this through the school you are attending. When you go for your assessment and they tell you what level you are in and what the costs are, ask about applying for ABESAP money.

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