I want to work in Canada

Immigrating to Canada is a process filled with both positive and negative feelings. Many immigrant women have been told that Canada is the land of milk and honey but find that the process is not so smooth. It takes courage, strength and support from families and communities to thrive.

Immigrating often means leaving behind everything you ever loved, and all that was familiar, and arriving in a strange and often cold place. Upon arrival most immigrants go through a period of shock, feeling isolated, lonely, helpless, scared and wondering "Why did I decide to come to this foreign country?" For many, flying this far is a first-time experience. Even before you land, learning about a new culture begins as you start observing and adapting to your new environment.

After an initial adjustment period, many immigrant women begin to look for paid work. An important place to start is by making contacts within your own ethnic or religious community. Contact your nearest church, temple, gurdwara, synagogue or mosque and find out more about activities in your community. Find the nearest community organization, immigrant services agency, school, library, and recreational centre and start to gather information and support.

Getting started
If you are a landed immigrant and you arrived at the Vancouver International Airport, you were probably welcomed by the imageCommunity Airport Newcomers Network (CANN). The staff of CANN speak many different languages and have lots of information to help with the settlement process. If you received information from them, go back and look at the brochures they gave you - there are lists of government offices, community organizations and emergency phone numbers.

The telephone book is another good source of information. The yellow pages list all the businesses and services in your area. If you're nervous about using the phone, prepare your questions before you call and ask them slowly. Tell people you are new and are seeking information. You could also ask a family member or friend to call for you the first time.

Working in Canada
You need a Social Insurance Number (SIN) before you can work in Canada. If you are a permanent resident or a landed immigrant, you can fill out an application form for your SIN at your local Canada Employment Centre (CEC). The address is in the blue pages of the phone book under Government of Canada/Employment and Immigration/Employment Centres. It takes approximately four to six weeks to get it.

If you are a refugee and are accepted for legal status, you can apply for a temporary work permit from your local Immigration Centre. The address is in the blue pages of the phone book under Government of Canada/Employment & Immigration/Immigration Centres.

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