Final Report:
Gender-Based Analysis On-line Dialogue


Kartini International was contracted by the Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women (CCLOW) from mid-January to mid-April 2001 to provide the following services:

  1. Coordination and moderation of a gender-based analysis (GBA) on-line dialogue of women's organizations and individuals in Canada;

  2. Preparation of a plain language background paper defining gender-based analysis;

  3. Research and distribution of available electronic resources on gender-based analysis;

  4. Summary of dialogue results;

  5. A fact sheet on gender-based analysis.

Kartini International and the CCLOW made particular efforts to ensure that the organizations invited to participate in the dialogue represented a diverse cross section of Canadian women and that the dialogue was readily accessible to women with special needs, and to women who do not have access to the internet

The CCLOW established a GBA Dialogue Committee drawn from its Board members, to supervise the project and provide input in the dialogue process. Committee members included:

  • Beverly Aikenhead - GBA Dialogue Project Manager
  • Barbara Guy - CCLOW President
  • Regina Urbano-Ramos - Manitoba Adult Literacy & Continuing Education Coordinator
  • Karen Lior - ACTWE Executive Director
  • Carolyn Hampden - African Canadian Network for Lifelong Learning

Alphacom provided Internet host services and technical support for the dialogue, which took place February 15 to March 7, 2001. A total of 60 people registered to participate in the dialogue throughout this time period.

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