Overall Approach
The overall approach used to establish and moderate the
gender-based analysis dialogue was to:
- Be as inclusive as possible given budget, technology and
time limitations;
- Target national women's organizations, but still leave room
for individual participation;
- Assume that some academics would be included as a part of the
membership of the women's organizations targeted;
- Announce the three main discussion topics in both the
invitation to participate and the on-line postings;
- Post main discussion topics with related questions on a
weekly basis and allow threaded discussion to develop from them;
- Use the dialogue to:
- Establish participants' understanding of gender-based
- Explore participants' experience with gender-based
- Identify weaknesses, objections and recommendations for
changes to gender- based analysis, in order for participants to use it more
frequently and more effectively.
The first step in the GBA Dialogue process was to draft a
background paper to describe gender-based analysis and provide examples of how
it can be used. [Appendix A]
The second step was to send an Invitation to Participate to
women's organizations and individuals across Canada. [Appendix B]
Kartini International reviewed the list of organizations to be
invited with the CCLOW and SWC to ensure that aboriginal and Metis women,
visible minority women and women with special needs received an invitation to
participate. The invitation specified that those without access to the Internet
could participate in the dialogue via fax, and those with visual disabilities
were given the opportunity to request plain text copies of the dialogue to
accommodate specific computer needs and ensure access.
To generate interest in the process, Kartini International sent
the Why Gender-Based Analysis? background paper and Reference Links
and Resources documents to all invitees. Approximately 350 women's
organizations and individuals were contacted. Of these, 60 women formally
registered to participate, including two international participants from
Australia and the United Kingdom. (Appendices C & D: List of
Organizations & Individuals Contacted and List of Registrants] Kartini
International sent the registrants weekly resource lists and reminders about
the dialogue. In addition, Kartini International made arrangements to post a
brief description of the dialogue on the CCLOW, Status of Women Canada and Par
- L websites.
Kartini International initiated the dialogue with an overview
of the topics to be covered during the process and attached a copy of the
background paper aforementioned. (Appendix E: List of Initial Discussion
Postings] Each week an additional set of resources related to GBA were
posted. The CCLOW GBA Committee provided names of additional relevant
organizations to invite to participate, reviewed the dialogue content and
process on a weekly basis, and provided support for the animation process, as
needed. |