FIRST THINGS FIRST: EQUITY PAID SKILLS DEVELOPMENT LEAVE FOR WOMEN Excerpts from a brief by Jane Adams Dans l 'exposé ci-dessous, Jane Adams propose vingt recommendations quant à la création d 'un Programme de congés payés de formation professionnelle. En préaumbule, elle rappelle que le salaire moyen annuel des femmes se chiffre à $11741, ce qui équivaut a 60% du salaire annuel moyen des hommes. Elle souligne aussi que 60% des Femmes vivent seules, ont charge de fami lle ou sont mariées é un homme ayant un salaire inférieur a $10 000 par an. Jane Adams conclut donc que, pour se solder par un succès et pour assurer l'égalité des femmes en matière d'emploi a l'avenir, un Programme de congés payés de formation professionnelle ne doit exiger aucune participation financière (sous quelle que forme que ce soit) des femmes candidates. FIRST THINGS FIRST: EQUITY THROUGH PAID SKILLS DEVELOPMENT LEAVE FOR WOMEN Excerpts from a brief by Jane Adams At this point in our history, women are confronted with structural unemployed of 13.5%, widespread de-skilling of jobs increasing vulnerability due to obsolescent, skills, lack of influence and under-education. The prospect of a 50 - 70% loss of jobs in areas largely staffed by women over next 25 years is a cause of great concerns. The suffering and dislocation caused by crisis as a result of technological innovation are not easy to address through anyone measure, but it is our opinion through a system of re-training, redeployment and life-long learning, the large number of Canadian women will be able lead productive working lives. Economically, as workers and as learners, women are in need. The average annual income for women is approximately $11,741. And 60% of women are living alone, are single parents, or are married someone who earns less than $10,000 a year. The average annual wage for women is 60% the average wage for men. For these reasons there must be no extra financial burden, put on women by a Paid Skills Development Leave program which seeks retrain workforce for the new technological reality. This Brief has been prepared in belief that all citizens have a right to skilled, productive work, and that access to such work is a major political issue of our time. Women's right to full-time permanent employment is a question of equity which must be seen as a socioeconomic need compatible with, and equal efficiency in production. The principles of equality of opportunity and individual freedom to take an active part in selection of training and career goals support our interest in dealing, through a Paid Skills Development program, with the special interests of homemakers, native women, immigrant women and those with literacy needs. Women urgently require a program which will overcome the barriers to education and skills development which are common elements in women's experience. Essentially, the barriers to skill development for women are: expenses of training, lack of living allowance during Training, age limits, discriminatory practice of educational institutions, lack of provision for part-time workers, family responsibilities, interrupted working life due to child bearing and child care, lack of flexibility in the delivery of educational programs, lack of opportunity for advancement in the labour market, lack of information about programs, and lack of educational and career counseling. The measures which we propose to Assist and guide policymakers in the development of a Paid Skills Development Leave program accessible to women are indicated in the following Recommendations: Recommendation 1. That the federal Government vastly expands the range of training opportunities and option for women through a national policy on paid Skills Development Leave. A target of a minimum of 50% female participation must be established for the full range of courses in each of these areas. Recommendation 2. That vastly expanded pre-employment and/or upgrading training be provided. Recommendation 3. That equity of access for working women and homemakers to Paid Skills Development Leave be ensured by the inclusion of equal opportunity in the legislation covering Paid Skills Development Leave, and further that affirmative action programs be established as the mechanism by which equal opportunity is implemented. Recommendation 4. That, when Paid Skills Development Leave cannot be granted at once to all applicants, priority shall be given to women with the greatest educational need. Recommendation 5. That selection of employees for Paid Skills Development Leave be made by committees composed of unions workers' organizations, and employers, and overseen by the National Education and Training Agency. Recommendation 6. That Skills Development Leave taken by women be paid 100% from a fund established by industry and government for this purpose. Pre-payment by the employee shall not be required. Recommendation 7. That the federal government establish a National Education and Training Agency with an influential women's education branch, as well as 50% representation of women in all levels of the directorate. Recommendation 8. That the National Education and Training Agency work with educational institutions to provide:
Recommendation 9. That the federal and provincial governments create, in all public educational institutions, special adult education department. Recommendation 10. That paid skills Development Leave programs provide for Compensatory time off for participants. Recommendation 11. Those homemakers have full access to Paid Skills Development Leave programs. Recommendation 12. That opportunity for successful completion of training programs Be guaranteed if interrupted illness of a child or a pregnancy. Recommendation 13. That all Skill Development Leave provisions include part-time employees. Recommendation 14. That the Women Educational Branch of the National Education and Training Agency establish (through every educational institution community agency and other accessible Location) education and career path counseling service. Recommendation 15. That women have freedom of choice from among courses made available by industry, educational Institutions and community agencies. Recommendation 16. That provision be Made for "study organizers" to assist: Information dissemination regarding Training and educational programs to worker! And organization of study plans. Recommendation 17. That the National Education and Training Agency as well! Special departments for adult Students in public educational institutions fully utilize adult education training methods which emphasize working from experience, participation and student centered seminars. Recommendation 18. That Skill Development Leave programs have no age limits. Recommendation 19. That employers offer clearly defined Paths to promotion and advancement to workers participating in Skills Development Leave. Recommendation 20. That Skills Development Leave programs provide for coverage of work stations during employee absence due to Skills Development Leave EDITORS NOTE:
Le Conseil des Sciences du Canada: organise cet été une série de conférences pour discuter les rapports qu'il a publiés après que trois années d'étude sur seignement des sciences au Canada. Or, comme l' explique ici Joan Scott Pinner, une question rest deliberement écartée des délibérations sur cet important sujet: la science est un domaine dont les femmes sont exclues. Le Conseil des Sciences est un organisme surtout composé d'hommes, appartenant aux secteurs privilégiés de la société. Et ce groupe chargé de conseiller le gouvernement quant a l' enseignement des sciences au pays a des intérêts qui ne coincident guère avec ceux des femmes. Joan Scott Pinner |
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