Earl  Kennedy Photo: Earl Kennedy

I remember that only a few years ago she lost a competition for an insignificant job in the superintendent's office of a small urban school division to a bit of educational deadwood whose sole advantage was that he was more-or-less male.

Another bright fragment floats to mind.

Recently, at the dentist's office, my seven-year
old grand-daughter queried the dentist on every procedure.

Her dentist, one of the new breed of young men -- his piped- in sound is the Royal Canadian Air Farce rather than Muzak answered each question patiently, then asked: "Are you planning to become a dentist?" "It's one of the careers I'm considering, she responded matter-of-factly.

Susan: What do we need to focus on now?

Martha: Our focus for the next ten years needs to be (1) developing career readiness materials that convince young women of the importance of planning for the future; (2) providing adequate career counseling for young women; (3) ensuring that women have educational and training equity; (4) monitoring educational and training programs to ensure that women's needs are understood and met; (5) developing educational and training programs to meet the special needs of immigrant women, re-entry women, handicapped women; and (6) bringing about legislative and societal changes, necessary to provide adequate support for women in educational and training programs.

"... why should a business man
.. deduct the full costs of
cleaning staff, but a women be
entitled to deduct only partial
costs of child care..."

Income tax laws need to be changed so that the costs a woman incurs in earning a living are as legitimate deductions as those accorded business:- why should a business man be permitted to deduct the full costs of cleaning staff, but a woman is entitled to deduct only partial costs of child care and none of the costs of extra household help? Training allowances must reflect the extra costs a mother incurs when she studies. Quality, affordable day care must be available for all parents.

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