The Best Thing That Ever Happened: Choosing
When I consider
what it is like to be a woman engineer, I find myself thinking of what my life
would be like if I had chosen a different career. Would I have had all the
incredible opportunities that engineering provides, such as financial
independence, and career advancement and diversity? Engineers specialize in
disciplines: civil, mechanical, chemical, and electrical. But regardless of the
discipline, an engineer is taught to be a team leader, a technician, builder,
and financier. Unfortunately, engineering is also a predominantly male
profession with all the subsequent problems for a woman professional. If I had
known at the beginning all the opportunities and difficulties, would I still
have chosen engineering? It's hard to say, but I would never reconsider that
choice now.
I made my career decision in high school, where the choice would
determine much of my future. It seems incredible that I could make such an
important decision at that age. I was young and wanted to conquer the world,
but I didn't know how. All that was clear was that I needed a secondary
Initially, I felt that the four years required by the
University would be unbearably long. It seemed that whatever could be
accomplished by a four year degree could also be easily attained through a
technical diploma. So I made plans to begin a two year program in drafting. I
had always enjoyed creating technical drawings and felt that this would be a
challenging career. At that time, those subjects that were to be the key to my
future - physics, mathematics, and chemistry - seemed boring and useless. My
high school drafting teacher intervened by suggesting that I work for a trial
period in a local engineering firm as a drafts person. What I found out was
that I hated the job after the first week.
Le meilleur choix de ma
vie: devenir ingénieure
Kim est ingénieure principale dans une compagnie de
pétrole et de gaz a Calgary (Alberta). Elle adore sa profession, et
trouve qu'en tant qu'ingénieure elle se doit d'être aussi
technicienne, constructrice, négociatrice, chef d'équipe et
inventrice. Elle a choisi de faire des études d'ingénieur car
elle pensait que ce serait excitant. Mais, elle s'est aussi butée
à des difficultés car elle travaille dans un milieu à
prédominance masculine.
À l'université elle s'est rendu compte que
le travail en équipe était la meilleure façon de s'en
sortir, vu le nombre d'étudiants par classe et le peu de femmes
inscrites. Aujourd'hui quand elle se sent découragée elle se
rassure en se disant qu'elle n'aurait pu faire de meilleur choix professionnel.
Chaque jour apporte sa dose de défi et elle ne s'ennuie jamais. Elle
estime que davantage de filles devraient se sentir attirer par toutes les
possibilités qu'offre l'ingénierie et elle espère que les
changements survenant dans sa profession rendront celle-ci plus
hospitalière pour les femmes. |