"I Would Emphasize the Joy of Science": An Interview with Ursula Franklin
(Sommaire en français)
by Jan Clarke

Reducing the Risk: Cooperative Education Strategies for Girls in Math, Science, and Technology
(Sommaire en français)
by Mary Beam

Math is a (Wo)man's Subject
(Sommaire en français)
by M. Elaine Harvey

Here Today... Where Tomorrow?
(Sommaire en français)
by Barbara Leek and Jane Dalton

Female Scientists Are Real People! Introducing Girls to Science Careers
(Sommaire en français)
by Andra McCartney

Not Onwards and Upwards: Enrolment of Young Ontario Women in Secondary School Math, Science, and Technology Courses
by Rachelle Sender Beauchamp & Georgina Feldberg

Mr. Brown's Math Class and Other Stories of Exclusion
(Sommaire en français)
by Magda Lewis

Technology for Kids: A Photo Story
by Megan Gardiner and Nancy Moore

Women Do Math and Ms Infinity: Two Projects for Girls Who Like Math
(Sommaire en français)
by Lin Szpitun

A Ms Infinity Conference: Notes North of 60
by Madeleine Sauvé

"Go For It!"
(Sommaire en français)
by Rachel Zimmerman

Design and Information Technology in the Elementary Classroom
(Sommaire en français)
by Sheila Rhodes

Daughters of Invention
(Sommaire en français)
by Rachelle Sender Beauchamp

The Best Thing that ever Happened: Choosing Engineering
(Sommaire en français)
by Kim Mikkelsen

Summer Science for Girls
(Sommaire en français)
by Mary Vickers


Sewing Shirts
by Jancis M. Andrews

Balancing Act
by Genni Gunn

By Jessie's Babysitter
by Marion Van den Boomen

Goodbye Brass Band
by Linda Rogers

Announcing Armageddon
by Linda Rogers

Technology Poems
by Jessica Miller, Rachel Beattie, and Caitlin

Night Monsters
by Jancis M. Andrews




A short annotated bibliography of texts related to girls in science.

Commentary -
Trying to Teach Technology: A Matter of Certification

(Sommaire en français)
by Jane Will



WOMEN'S EDUCATION DES FEMMES est une revue publiée tous les trimestres par le Congrès Canadien pour la promotion des études chez la femme. Le CCPEF est un organisme national bénévole chargé de promouvoir l'éducation et le développement du plein potentiel des femmes.

Comité éditorial
Shauna Butterwick (Chair)
Wendy Mishkin
Debbie Wise Harris

Christina Starr

Traduction et rédaction en français
Anne Minguet-Patocka

Traitement de text
Loralee Elliot
Maime Huggins

Imprimé par
Delta Web Graphics

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Art & Facts Design and Communications

Les opinions exprimées dans Women 's Education des femmes sont celles des auteures; elles ne reflètent pas obligatoirement celles du Secrétariat d'État ou du CCPEF.

CCPEF 47 rue Main Toronto, Ontario M4E 2V6

(416) 699-1909 Télécopier (416) 699-2145

ISSN 0714-9786

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