Northern Dynamics:
Profile of a Women's Resource Service


NWRS is unique
in its goal to
serve the entire

The Northern Women's Resource Service (NWRS) has emerged as a reality after two and a half years of planning and research. We are a grassroots organization whose aim is to improve the situation of women and their families in the social, economic, and political spheres. The concept originated in 1986 with a steering committee comprised of seven northern Manitoban women's groups from the city of Thompson. They hired a project consultant to identify gaps in services, analyze existing activities and services, and establish the need for a northern resource centre for women.

The research showed that existing services were minimal and many were sporadic. In addition, the women interviewed indicated the need for information and referral, knowledge on rights and options, education and awareness, and support and advocacy. A proposal was made to the provincial government Family Dispute Services; the proposal was approved and the service started in March 1989. The official opening of a base office of the NWRS in Flin Flon, Manitoba, happened in late August.

The NWRS is unique in its goal to serve the entire north, not just one specific community. The service's main operations are advocacy, education, and research, and these are achieved through the provision of information, referrals, support counselling, a lending library, training, workshops, presentations, research, consultation, networking, a northern resource directory, and a skills bank card file. NWRS is flexible and will endeavour to reflect the changing needs of women in the north.

A collective called the Northern Coordinating Committee, with members from communities across the Manitoba north, is the governing body of the NWRS. They hired two Resource Coordinators, myself and Judy Hughes, to work out of the base office in Flin Flon. We both have expertise in initiating and developing direct services and programs for non-profit organizations, in promoting political action, and in awareness of the barriers women face in our society.

Dynamisme des régions du Nord: le profil d'un service de ressources pour les femmes


Le Northern Women's Resource Service (service de ressources pour les femmes du Nord) est un organisme d'inspiration populaire qui s'attache à améliorer la situation sociale, économique et politique des femmes et de leur famille et dont l'objectif est de servir tout le Nord plutôt qu'une collectivité précise. Le bureau principal de l'organisme, qui se trouve à Flin Flon au Manitoba, a ouvert ses portes en août 1989. L'organisme est administré par le Comité de coordination du Nord, dont les membres viennent de tout le nord du Manitoba. Un bureau satellite a été ouvert pour faciliter la prestation des services dans des régions du Nord et remédier aux disparités économiques entre le Nord et le Sud. C'est à The Pas que les femmes autochtones de la bande des Opasquiak ont ouvert le premier bureau satellite en juin 1990. Elles s'occupent essentiellement des besoins des femmes autochtones dans des domaines comme l'alphabétisation, les soins de santé, l'information, les services d'orientation et do counselling. L'organisme aimerait avoir des données sur d'autres organisations de femmes. Si vous souhaitez avoir plus de renseignements sur le Northern Women's Resource Service ou au contraire échanger des données avec cet organisme, veuillez écrire à NWRS, C.P. 266, Flin Flon, Manitoba, R8A 1M9 ou téléphoner au (204) 687-3346 ou encore envoyer une télécopie au (204) 687-3322; vous pouvez également contacter le Opasquiak Women's Resource Service, C.P. 3137, The Pas, Manitoba, R9A 1R7 on téléphoner au (204) 623-4852. Télécopieur (204) 23- 4422.

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