Dear Women's Education des femmes
Thank you for the copies of the special issue on Women in
Science and the issue on "Girls in Science".
You may know that Hannah Gay of the History Department at SFU
will be editing a memorial issue for Maggie Benston for Canadian Woman
Studies. Val Oglov's and my interview of the experiences of women in
postsecondary science will be included. John Walkely, who worked with Maggie,
is conducting a survey of women in science graduates to determine what
retraining programs are needed. In the meantime, a pilot project on immigrant
women has started.
One warm, witty, and wise woman that I would like to read about
through an interview in your magazine is Rosalie Abella. I have used her report
on Employment Equity and heard her speak. I think she would be wonderful
Sincerely, Hilda Ching Society for Canadian Women
in Science and Technology P.O. Box 2184 Vancouver, B.C V6B 3V7
Dear Women's Education des femmes
Congratulations to you for an excellent double-document on the
questions and answers involved in "Women in Science". It's a wonderful
collection, and aesthetically most pleasing. Definitely a keeper.
Thanks also for all the poetry and photos. I think it brightens
up what is often a "good for you" subject. And I love the sketch on page
45 of "Women in Science" , especially the stylized wrench in the spot where one
normally sees the compulsory double circles of breasts. It's a symbol of the
whole thing refreshingly innovative.
Sincerely, Heather Menzies Ottawa, Ontario
Dear Women's Education des femmes
Thanks for copies of the Science issue it's a
fascinating issue. Amazing how similar our experiences in all these various
fields, the very same words! What can it be ... ? I have just published a book
of poetry, mostly about being a carpenter. It's called Covering Rough
Thanks for your excellent publication. It's been a pleasure
working with you.
Sincerely, Kate Braid Vancouver, B.C.
Dear Women s Education des femmes
Thanks for sending us copies of "Women in Science: Options
and Intolerance" and "Girls in Science: Discovering their Choices". Both
magazines were very well done and we have enjoyed reading them. Each article
was different, interesting and informative.
Women in Science: Options and Intolerance" will serve as an
excellent learning tool for African women taking courses at the Centre. It
would help them to expand their options to read about other women and programs
in science. ATEC has also planned to do a Workplace Orientation Workshop series
for 1992, and the magazine would be useful to us there as well.
Sincerely, Margaret Anderson-Clarke African
Training and Employment Centre Toronto, Ontario
In the corner of my eye I see Middle
age In my mirror. She has pockets Under her eyes. Her jawbone
is Disappearing. She Looks away. She Doesn't know me.
Gail Youngberg Saskatoon, Sask