Dear WEdf: We are a small but growing archives that depends on donations. Most of our fundraising efforts must go towards rent and supplies rather than periodicals and books. It is our hope that progressive publishers would be willing to
donate copies of periodicals and other publications to us in the interest of
preserving gay, lesbian and feminist history. Thank you for your help, [Editor's note: Copies of CCLOW publications have been provided to the Ohio Lesbian Archives, and we include this letter as an open request to other organizations and publishers.]
Dear WEdf: For the past six years I have also been working with different developmental agencies involved in securing women's and children's rights. In course of my study and work I have gained field experience of villages and slums of seven North Indian States. If you have information to send me, or would like more information about my work, please contact me. Sincerely Dear WEdf: Recently I sent you two articles based on experiences of my daughter and my granddaughter. Although you could not use them in your magazine, you took the time and interest to write to me (as opposed to a standard rejection) and suggest two alternate publications. I have sent the articles out to them today. Thank you most sincerely for your kind words of encouragement. Writing is such a solitary career that any feedback is most welcome. Yours was wonderful and much appreciated. Sincerely, |
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