Building Knowledge

Lady Bountiful
The White Woman Teacher in Multicultural Education

by Helen Harper and Sheila Cavanagh

This paper concerns the construction of white female teacher identity in the current discourse on multicultural education. Specifically, the paper delineates an image of the white woman teacher referred to more generally in the work of Honor Ford Smith as "Lady Bountiful." We begin with a brief discussion distinguishing multicultural and anti-racist education.

" Lady
Bountiful" is
the white lady
or teacher
that emerged
during the
time of British

Multicultural education, in its liberal guise, began in the United States, Britain, and Canada in response to racial tensions and unrest. It was developed to create what Cameron McCarthy calls a "curricular truce." While acknowledging that multicultural education is not a unified practice, part of what is assumed under this rubric is that cultural diversity is both a condition to be celebrated and a source of conflict. Within this frame, conflict is said to develop because of the ignorance and negative attitudes of individuals towards cultural difference, so it becomes paramount to change attitudes through information and cultural sensitization (Mukherjee). School strategies and approaches have focused primarily on supplementing curricular content with information about and from minority cultures and on changing (white) teacher and student prejudices.

Quite unlike multicultural education, anti-racist education locates the "problem" not within culture or cultural diversity per se but with the differences or values attached to particular cultures and cultural practices. In other words, the issue is not culture, but racism and ethnocentrism. Anti-racist education demands an "engagement with the politics of power" (Britzman). In part, this means paying attention to how practices, histories, and identities are produced and translated into the everyday, into "common sense," into what seems natural or normal. For example, consider what is marked and unmarked in the term "writer," "woman writer," "black woman writer," or "doctor," and "lady doctor." Whiteness and maleness are assumed within the term "writer" and "doctor" and do not need to be marked. Whiteness is the invisible norm and it "colonizes the definitions of other norms class, gender, heterosexuality, nationality, and so on - it also masks whiteness as itself a category" (Dryer 45).

Cet article montre les hypothèses qui sous-tendent l'image donnée des enseignantes blanches dans un système d'éducation multiculturel.

L'article dépeint plus précisément le portrait de l'enseignante blanche, appelée par Honor Ford Smith dans ses écrits "La généreuse bienfaitrice" - la dame blanche missionnaire ou enseignante qui à vu le jour a l'époque de l'impérialisme britannique et dont la tâche était de "civiliser" les colonies. La façon dont est représenté l'enseignante blanche dans les textes scolaires reflète le rôle de cette bienfaitrice. On incite l'enseignante blanche à "canadianiser" ses élèves et à apprendre à "connaître" leur culture, tandis que la culture blanche dominante et axée sur l'Europe reste une donnée invisible.

Les relations entre l'enseignante blanche et ses élèves immigrants ou minoritaires doivent être à nouveau analysées de manière anti-racistes, de façon à modifier les rapports de pouvoir dominants au lieu de les reproduire..

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