2. Student Activity
As a minimum, each student activity includes an assignment sheet and an assessment or evaluation tool. Most
activities however, include many other student supports and resources to assist students in successfully
completing all tasks. (Examples include checklists, forms, etc.)
The optional student supports and resources in activities were dependent on several factors:
How complex is the activity?
- More complex assignments may have student support and resources
At what level is the activity? (Introductory, Beginner, Intermediate or Expert)
- Introductory activities are prescriptive in nature
- Beginner and intermediate activities should have many "tools" to help students follow the steps withinthe assignments
- At the Expert Level it is expected that students will create their own support tools to assist them in task completion
What are the parts to the activity?
- Some activities are multi-faceted. The more components, the greater need to provide focus and support
What is the make-up of the class?
- Assessing the needs of the students in the classroom is important when determining the need for
optional student supports and resources