Organizational Skills and Attention |
Break down daily tasks and projects into smaller units with timelines attached Monitor homework/activity completion Encourage use of planner Provide seat near teaching area Provide interpretation and reinforcement of directions Provide opportunities for the student to move frequently Cue for attention Allow student time out when overwhelmed or frustrated |
Thinking and Learning | Be aware of medical condition Do not ask student to speak in front of class Break down daily tasks and projects into smaller units with timelines attached Provide a peer tutor Give opportunities for repetition Encourage participation Provide student with opportunities to move around Check use of planner and notebooks regularly Provide assistance with organization Learning is best achieved through a combination of multiple sensory inputs (auditory, visual and performance) Provide encouragement for student to use the accommodations related to his/her learning challenge Encourage participation Provide extended timelines for assignments Provide individual attention periodically |
Social | Provide timeout when student is frustrated or overwhelmed Provide student with a structured environment Provide student with clear, concise consequences Avoid confrontation Provide student with verbal and nonverbal cues to refocus Provide positive reinforcement Seat near a positive role model Keep detailed records of behaviour Provide concrete limits on behaviour |