A Day In The Life
Of A Parent
Here are some examples of questions you could ask, a typical response and the associated Essential Skills for each response. We will brainstorm other questions as a class and come up with hypothetical responses that demonstrate Essential Skills. This will serve as a model for you to conduct, analyze, prepare and submit your own parent interview.
What do you find to be the most difficult part of parenting? How do you overcome this?
“I believe the most difficult part of parenting is keeping the day-to-day tasks organized.
Everyone is so busy and with different schedules it is hard to stay organized. To overcome this,
I use our kitchen calendar daily to record all family commitments. We have voice mail on our
phone for all members of the family, so I can leave messages for everyone. As well, we have
e-mail for everyone and messages are left and forwarded so we all know what is going on.”
Essential Skills demonstrated: Oral Communication, Writing, Reading Text, Computer Use,
Thinking Skills (Job Task Planning)
What is the most enjoyable part of parenting? Example?
“The most enjoyable part of parenting is when we have those conversations that started out as
a short conversation and ended up being a very long one which helps build our relationship.”
Essential Skills demonstrated: Oral Communication, Working with Others.>