Store Inventory


“Store-y” Book Keeping

Essential Skills Inventory Master List

Reading Text To scan for specific information/to locate information
Reading Text To skim for overall meaning/to get the gist
Reading Text To read the full text to understand and learn
Document Use To read and interpret information
Document Use To enter information
Writing To organize/remember
Writing To keep a record/to document
Writing To inform/to request information
Writing To persuade/to justify a request
Numeracy Money math
Numeracy Scheduling or budgeting and accounting math
Numeracy Measurement and calculation math
Numeracy Data analysis math
Numeracy Numerical estimation
Oral Communication To take messages
Oral Communication To provide/receive information, explanation, direction
Oral Communication To seek/obtain information
Oral Communication To co-ordinate work with that of others
Oral Communication To reassure/comfort
Oral Communication To discuss (exchange information/opinions)
Oral Communication To persuade
Oral Communication To instruct, instill understanding, knowledge
Oral Communication To negotiate/resolve conflicts
Thinking Skills Problem solving
Thinking Skills Decision making
Thinking Skills Job task planning and organizing
Thinking Skills Use of memory
Thinking Skills Finding information
Working with Others Work alone
Working with Others Work jointly with a partner or helper
Working with Others Work as a member of a team
Continuous Learning As part of regular school/work activity
Continuous Learning From other students/co-workers